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Computers - Emmanuel Chanel's Links Collection

@IT - Atmark IT
A website for computer engineers of news and advices.
One of the IRC networks. The topics are mainly technologies.
One of the IRC networks. It's used by various projects of technologies.
A news site by OSTG. Its contents are by readers' posts and comments. It has the Japanese version.


Linux.com | The source for Linux information
Collection of Linux information.
Linux Online
The website of Linux.
The Linux Kernel Archives
The primary distributor of the Linux Kernel.
Free Standards Group
A group operating Linux Standard Base, OpenI18n, and so on.
Free Software Foundation
A website of Freee Software Foundation founded by Richard Stallman, distributing free softwares of GNU Project and license documentations.
Linux Questions.Org
A website for trouble-shooting of Linux.
The Linux Documentation Project
A website showing a Linux Documants.
PC Daddy
A record of installation of Linux servers by a primary user.
A Japanese wiki of documentation(FAQ) of Linux by people on the Linux Board of 2ch.

A Linux Distribution: Debian GNU/Linux

Debian - The Universal Operationg System
The official website of Debian GNU/Linux.
Debian JP Project
The project of diffusion of Debian GNU/Linux in Japan.

A Linux Distribution: Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu homepage | Ubuntu
The official website of Ubuntu Linux, the most popular linux distribution nowadays for easy installation, distributed as live CDs. It has a wiki for support.
Ubuntu Forums
The official English forum of Ubuntu Linux.
Home | Ubuntu Japanese Team
The Japanese community of Ubuntu Linux. They distribute their own packages for Japanese on their own repository and the Japanese Remix CD with the packages. You can get supports on its forum. And there's also a wiki for built-up information.

A Linux Distribution: Linux Mint

Main Page - Linux Mint
A derived distribution of Ubuntu Linux. It's much reffred as a distribution with MATE and Cinnamon, similar to Gnome 2 and forked from Gnome by incovenience of Gnome 3 and of Unity. I installed its MATE 64bit edition, too. It has a community and a forum.
Linux Mint Japan
The official local Japanese community of Linux Mint. It has the forum.

Linux Distribution: RedHat Linux & Fedora

Red Hat | The Open Source Leader
The official website of RedHat Linux and Redhat Linux Inc.
Get Fedora
The official website of Fedora Project, sponsored by Red Hat Inc., distributing a free linux distribution: Fedora.
Fedora Users Forum
The forum for Japanese users of Fedora.
An English community of Fedora.
RPM Fusion
A Third Party YUM Repository of Fedora.

Unix and Linux Applications

A website like Mozilla(Open source web browser): Japan Branch.
X Multimedia System
The primary distributor of xmms, under GPL.
Apache Software Foundation
A website of Apache Software foundation: open-sourced, free and public domain distributer of Apache web server, PHP, and mod_perl.
The primary distributer of Unix FTP server.
Samba Users Group Japan
The Japanese official mirror of Samba Web Pages. Samba is Unix application of Windows file and printer server. It's a free software with GPL.
Japan PostgreSQL Users Group
A Japanese users group of PostgreSQL.
MySQL: The World's Most Popular Open Source Database
The official website of MySQL. It's distributed with GPL. If you pay money, you can reconstruct it with its source in secret.
MySQL Nippon Association
A Japanese users group of MySQL.
A website provides various softwares with free. You can get many UNIX/Linux softwares.
A website provides various softwares with free. You can get many UNIX/Linux softwares.
Free Software Foundation
A website of Freee Software Foundation founded by Richard Stallman, distributing free softwares of GNU Project and license documentations.

Windows Applications

Vector: Software Library and Shop
A company provides various softwares with free or cheep cost. I got Tera Term Pro here.
A website for introduction of softwares.
Common Archivers Library
I got an expansion software for LHA Utility 32 on this site.
A website like Mozilla(Open source web browser): Japan Branch.
Apache Software Foundation
A website of Apache Software foundation: open-sourced, free and public domain distributer of Apache web server, PHP, and mod_perl.

Language: PERL

The official website of Perl.
The Perl Directory perl.org
A website of Perl Users.
Perl Mongers
The Website of Perl Mongers: a loose association of international Perl User Groups.
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
The official Archive of the Perl. You can see many modules for Perl. When you want to program with Perl, much better to see this site.(I haven't traced it yet,though)

Web Applications: Perl Scripts on CGI

subtitle:- Making interactive pages with free software -. I got a counter and web boards here.
Rescue Web
A very popular website distributing Minibbs and so on.
Explanation of Perl/CGI and distribution of Perl/CGI scripts.
1998 News Flash! Club
CGI Download Center
The distributer of a web album, of image board, and so on.
Tohoho's WWW Primer
Explanation how to make websites and distribution of Perl/CGI scripts.

Language: PHP

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
A site for distributing the interpreter of a computer language for web applications, by Apache Software Foundation.It has PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository.

Web Applications: PHP

I got this software for English chats. This software needs SQL database server.
I got this software for English chats. This software needs SQL database server. It's the French version.
phpBB.de :: Offizielles deutsches Support-Forum für phpBB
I got this software for English chats. This software needs SQL database server. It's the German version.
XOOPS Official Site
EXtendable Object Oriented Portal System: A PHP software requiring MySQL, for community. It has the official Japanese website.
WordPress > Blog Tool and Weblog Platform
A popular blog software, distributed under GPL with php + MySQL.
I got a counter script from this site.(Now I'm using it.)
A Japanese wiki clone with PHP and files.

Language: JAVA

Java: Hot Games, Cool Apps
The official website of JAVA, a language on the JAVA virtual machines on Windows, Mac, Linux, and so on.
Visual Photo
A distributer of visual softwares with JAVA. It explains what to do when JAVA software cannot do.
Midnight Express Hindenburg
A website by Silchov Musaborizky brothers. It shows Project for Developing Japanese Forerunner based on Chinese "Forerunner" and such JAVA games.


ReactOS Homepage
The project of the free Windows clone under GPL.

TRON(The Real-time Operating system Nucleus)

Univ. of Tokyo: Sakamura and Koshizuka's Laboratory
The laboratory of the leader of TRON project in Univ. of Tokyo.
The official website of the operating system, under the BTRON specification; with high multilinguality: Chokanji.
BTRON users club by Personal Media Corp..
Personal Media Corp.
The company developing Chokanji under the BTRON specification. It published TRONWARE(magazine).


The website of Japanese company of DELL of Texas, USA.
A subsidiary direct seller of EPSON.
A website about prices of PCs and machines around computers.


A free dynamic DNS service. We can use DNS wildcard for free.
Free Dynamic DNS service. We could use DNS wildcard for free. But it has become a paid service when I register again.
Free Dynamic DNS service. I moved my subdomain name from that to DynDNS since the users cannot use DNS wildcard.
No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP
Free Dynamic DNS service. You can use wildcard with charged.

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