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Issue of Whaling - Emmanuel Chanel's Links Collection

I'm adding the many contents to Wiki About Anti-Japanese Problem and Anti-whaling Problem, for everyone can refute anti-whaling foreigners and dolphin freaks.

Basic knowledge is important.

Whaling Library
The administrator collects many datum for refutation against anti-whaling. It has Japanese page.
Talk of Agrochemical(Internet Archive)
Like the website name, a researcher of chemical company explains toxicity and so on about agrochemicals. Now we wait for the site's revival. You can seek its contents on Internet Archive.
Start with Immediate Steps; Atsushi Miura's Blog
The blog of Emeritus Prof. Atsushi Miura, specialized in German Literature. The blog succeeds Atsushi Miura Labo in Niigata Univ.(written only in Japanese). He is the author of "鯨とイルカの文化政治学"(Translation: Cultural Politics Study about Whales and Dolphins) and he watch and analyse the issue of whaling.

Reveal of Anti-Whaling Lies by Copy & Paste

Search about the Issue of WhalingYahoo! Japan Message Board Archive
I archive the topics about whaling on extinct Yahoo! Japan Message Board and enable you to search them by namazu. You can find out the refutation of the most topics from anti-whaling people.
[Whaling] I hear that I will be under plaint by the anti-whaler.(^ω^;;; Archive
A blog of toripan1111, for fixing up the debate of whaling, with the plan to show the process and progression around Kamekujiraneko's threat that he file complaint against toripan1111. But now, he leaves the pro-whaling refutation free to copy & to quote.

Tendency and Response of Eco-Terrorism

Red Fox
Mr. Bunta Iwaya's blog mainly about China. He also shows anti-whaling activists visiting Taiji with researching on the net. He has Twitter and a YouTube channel, too.
Kujira Talk
Rei Fukuda aka Hetare Fukuda's blog about the issue of whaling, dolphin freaks, and eco-terrorism. (His Twitter) He has also Let's Eat Whales, its sister website about whale dish.
The Foreigners Staying in Taiji for Harassment and Their Supporters
A blog shows the anti-whaling activists going to Taiji.
Persona Non Grata Taiji-chou
A blog shows the anti-whaling activists going to Taiji.
"THE COVE" Revelation of Anti-whaling Activities
The blog follows the news of Sea Shepheard from Dec. 2010. The authors are mainly active on their YouTube channel. And Riku, one of the authors has Twitter, too.
D'z blog dealing the problem of Sea Shepherd.
Wiki for Round Up Green Peace's Tokyo Two's Theft of Whale Flesh
A website for rounding up Green Peace's Tokyo Two's theft of whale flesh in the name of "investigation of the peculation of whale flesh." The crews got the flesh legally as payment and the peculation has no foundation. You should recognize that the crews can do anything they want since the whale flesh wasn't regulated to give or to sell.

Facebook Groups about critics against Sea Shepeherd.

WhaleWars-UNMODERATED / 1 Million Strong Against The Sea Shepherd (Whale Wars) / Stop Sea Shepherd Violence! / Whale Wars International / whale wars faroe island hvalakríggj í Føroyun /

Gourmei by Whales

Whale Town
A Japanese pro-whaling website. It introduces various stores and restaurants with whale meats.
Let's Eat Whales
Rei Fukuda aka Hetare Fukuda's blog about eating whales. (His Twitter) He has also Kujira Talk, its sister website about whaling.

Official Websites

Scientific Whaling of Japan

International Whaling Comission
IWC's Scientific Comittee (IWC-SC) has already found that the resource of whales are enough and you can find that on Status of whales and Whale Population Estimates. But very many foreigners don't check the web pages. And they don't understand that International Convention for Regulation of Whaling (ICRW) is for sustainable whaling.
Room of WhalingJapan Fishery Agency
The official website of JFA's team for whaling. It releases Whales and Whaling, research plans, and so on although its main content is Japanese.
Institute for Cetacean Research
They conduct our scientific whaling. They release various scientific essays, press releases, and so on.
Kyodo Senpaku
The company owns the ships for Institute for Cetecean Researh's scientific whaling and processing its by-products, whale meat under Article VIII Item 2 of ICRW.
Japan Whaling Association
They show FAQ page in English, Japanese, and in the mobile.
Japan Small-Type Whaling Assosiation
They release panphlet PDFs in English and in Japanese.

About Eco-terrorism against Taiji

Taiji Fishery Cooperative
The official website of the fishery cooperative of Taiji, harassed by eco-terrorists. It has also Taiji Fishery Cooperative's Supermarket.
Taiji Whale Museum
They have also Taiji Whale Digital Museum.

International Public Institutions

It categorize minke whale, a very abundant species as threatened species. And on Reservations, you can also find that Japan has reservations of whale species except some area's sei whales.
International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN
The official website of IUCN whose members are the governments and Non-Governmental Organizations. It issues the Red List showing which species are endangered. Minke whales and so on aren't categorized as endangered but as one under Least Concern. But many people don't know that.
Food and Agriculture Organization
A organization of United Nations and it commits also about fishery. They releases Livestock's Long Shadow and so on.

Groups and Associations about Whaling: the other

Cetology Study Group of Japan
The group of research, introducing, and collecting information of cetaceans and other sea mammals. Also non-researchers can join.
Women's Forum for Fish
Women's group for fishery and whaling, founded by Ms. Yuriko Shiraishi. It has publised "Whales in the World'. It founded also Marine Nation: Japan, a nonprofit organization.
Behind "THE COVE" Official Site & Whale Restaurant
The official website of Behind "the Cove", Ms Keiko Yagi's documentary refuting the Cove and the official website of her 2nd documentary of food and science with whales. The websites tend to be attacked by Sea Shepherd and other dolphin freaks. But she transmits her views and the movie information on its official Facebook. It has also Twitter.

The other

Propaganda Buster
A blog of Tony the Propaganda Buster. He shows various opinions on YouTube and got famous as Texas Daddy in 2ch, the biggest Japanese forum website and so on. After he reveived a first class document about Comfort Women(shown on Texas Daddy Japan Office) from US National Archives, he has concluded that the Comfort Women coercion is false. And he joins the refutation campaign.
springsanba's Pro-Whaling Opinions - Research of Animal Rights Cult
A blog of sanba3sanba, for fixing up the debate of the issue of whaling, on the posts on Yahoo! Japan Message Board.
David @ Tokyo
A blog by one New Zealander for whaling. He has Twitter.
English and Book Review de Kaiba's Door BLOG
KABU's blog. It has a sister blog: Koutaro Matsuo de Kaiba's Door BLOG the FC2 edition.
The Issue of Whaling Fixing Up wiki
A wiki for fixing up threads about whaling of 2ch.
r13812 @ wiki
r13812 is a malicious anti-whaling net activist on Japanese net sites about whaling, including 5ch, Yahoo! Japan, and Twitter. She repeats lies and rubish. And the wiki is for making database and templates of her words and of the refutations.

Links Pages about the issue of whaling

Links (Whaling Library) / Teiji Fishery Cooperative Links /

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