The threads named “Rather Shinkansen than TGV” are a series of 2ch‘s Korea Forum, about railway technology and so on since Korea imports TGV. I don’t notify on my blogs but I update “TGVより新幹線 & 台湾新幹線 過去ログ“, my archive of that series when the new thread took over. (◆WHhh4nwOyo, another person maintain another website named 「TGVより新幹線 ☆」アーカイブ ~KTXうぉっちんぐ.)
I learned how excellent Shinkansen is by seeing mod-5’s archive. Now there’s the official 50th aniversary website of Tokaido Shinkansen(Facebook) and I’m also in festive wood.
By the way, now part 241 of the series is dublicated and part 242 is actually part 243. But the current 244th thread’s number is named Part 243, not fixed. Maybe, I will put the dublicated log pages named “part 241”.
And I’m thinking of changing Image-Uploadable Reserve Webboard from the current to another software. (Use it when you cannot post comments on this blog or so.)
Tag: shinkansen
I changed the URI of “The Archive of Rather Shinkansen than TGV & Taiwan Shinkansen”
I decided that after thinking for a long time. And I’ve done.
It’s not changed that the website is on my home server. But I feel it better that I could put it out of the virtual host having this WordPress blog site. I will keep my links page inside, though.
I moved my archive of “Shinkansen than TGV”.
“Shinkansen than TGV” (TGVより新幹線) is a series of threads of the Korea Forum @ 2ch, about Shinkansen (bullet trains), TGV, and high speed railway systems, with critics of the Korean situation. Formerly, Mr. mod5 keeps the past threads into his archive of them but it stopped many years ago. So I do that into Emmanuel Chanel Museum instead of him.
Many weeks ago, I found that the most of the past threads on that website not shown correctly. It’s a problem of the server’s setting on its free hosting service but it hasn’t been corrected for a long time. So I moved it to temporarily.