I uploaded the photography of Minamata Disease part of the society textbooks for 5th grade and the Nanjing Incident part of ones for 6th grade

I uploaded the photography of Minamata Disease part of the society textbooks for 5th grade and the Nanjing Incident part of ones for 6th grade to ftp://ftp.emmanuelc.dix.asia/inspected_textbooks/2010/ Those textbooks are inspected in 2010 by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology. The inspection of primary school textbooks this time is done in 2014, last year. It would be good to transcript those textbooks with making the album here but now I put the raw data on FTP. And I’ve deleted their EXIF information.
Those pictures mean that primary schools under Japanese public education law teach Minamata Disease and Nanjing Massacre. We, Japanese people are not against teaching the former. And we argue much about the latter. Anyway, all of us learn them. If we blindly believe our textbooks or if we take the inspection for absolute, few on the net would refute Nanjing Massacre.

Added on 29 Nov 2015
I deleted that photos from my anonymous FTP site on 26 Nov 2015. I found it problematic on copy rights…

Our government didn’t use the world’s tsunami donations for whaling.

It’s a quite old propaganda that our government use tsunami fund for whaling. But Sea Shepherd and other dolphin freaks still lie so repeatingly. And I pasted the refutation to Facebook very many times, too. Seeing Yamamoto San reprinted my refutaion, I decided to post this text on my entry for many people can do that. So free to reprint this text below.(This text is a bit different from my original. I revised some.)

* I updated on 25 Jan. 2015, for adding explanations of the word difference.

See the audit reports of Japan Red Cross: http://jrc.or.jp/eq-japan2011/
The most of the donations from overseas are made through Red Cross. Those donations are called Tsunami Relief Fund(津波義援金, Tsunami Gienkin). It’s not our government’s Restoration Fund(復興基金, Fukkou Kikin) from our tax. (As you can see, Tsunami Gienkin and Fukkou Kikin are completely different words.)
Read this and understand it!:
The URI below is about the 311 earthquake published on 16 Dec. 2011. It’s on the official website of Minshutou, Democratic Party in Japan. It was the ruling party till late Dec. 2012.
> 福島の地域経済再生に向けては、県からの要望を踏まえ、第3次補正予算において復興基金の造成など総額約5340億円を措置し、医療や再生可能エネルギーといった新たな産業・雇用の創出や企業立地に向けた取り組みなどを図ることとしています。さらには、福島県が置かれている特殊な事情に鑑み、その対策を講じるための特別立法が必要と考えており、次期通常国会に法案を提出できるよう検討を進めています。
Translation: For the purpose of the regional economical restoration of Fukushima, with considering the prefecture’s request, on the 3rd revised budget, we take steps by PREPARATION OF THE RESTORATION FUND and so on with 534 billion yen in total. With that, we attempt medical services, new inductries like renewable energy, job creation, industrial loction, and so on. In addition, considering the special situation placed in Fukushima Prefecture, we think that we need special legistrations and we consider them to present the draft bills in the next ordinary sessin of the parliament.
Our Reconstruction Agency of the government has released these:
Translation: The Management and Operation Guidelines Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: 13 Jan. Heisei 24(* 2012)
>第3 復興交付金基金の運営
Translation: 3. Operation of the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: +- 1. Creation of the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund
Translation: the Great East Japan Earthquake Grant Fund is prepared by the grant-in-aid from the state(Japanese government). Still more, in the cases that plural ministers in charge issued the fund for the creation of the fund, same fund receive that and separate and fix by ministers in charge.
See also http://law.e-gov.go.jp/htmldata/H24/H24F10013001001.html


So Yoree Koh of Wall Street Journal wrote this:
>But this year, onlookers are not only taking issue with the whaling expedition itself, but how extra government funding for the trip is being drawn from money intended to be used for reconstruction efforts from the March 11 disasters. The funds are from Japan’s own national budget, not charitable donations from overseas.
If you want to cause that our government uses the tsunami fund of Red Cross and so on with the donation from overseas, prove it!

I installed an IRC server on my home server on 27 Sept. 2014

I installed InspIRCd, an IRC server and anope, an IRC service daemon on 27 Sept.2014. I wish that there was a Japanese conservative IRC network free from anti-Japanese leftists’ oppression about political issues including historical recognitions, whaling, and so on in trend of the world’s IRC network technology. So with that installations, I founded SakuraDoori, a personal IRC network with only one server. The server name is irc.emmanuelc.dix.asia and its port is +6697 (SSL).
Probably, only a few people come. But I felt like doing that by seeing irc.juggler.jp, the most popular server of IRC@2ch(2ch.net / 2ch.sc), the most popular Japanese IRC network got independent because of 2ch’s trouble.

Sea Mammals lies about morbillivirus

Sea Mammals(aka Albi Deak Facebook as Sea Mammals/Facebook as Albi Deak/website Updated at 03:38 on 26 May. 2014 UTC) is another who posts some anti-whaling comments on Prime Minister’s Office of Japan. This discussion is originally with Toru Seo and Yamamoto San on an entry on 18 Apr. 2014. Now you cannot see without logged-in. But I captured the comments on 27 Apr. 2014 and the images are on my server: FTP/HTTP.

Sea Mammals says “it is amusing to think like non-scientists in short term…” and “Eat whales and dolphins at risk to a morbillivirus epidemic. I wish you much fun with whale meat. But does not say we searchers and biologists did not warn .“. It makes he look a biologist or so. But this quoted part is a lie, against his source saying “To date, there are no reported cases of human infection with cetacean morbillivirus. Morbillviruses do not tend to infect hosts that are not closely related“. If not a lie, he would completely misunderstand what morbilliviruses are. Continue reading Sea Mammals lies about morbillivirus

Cove Guardians’ propaganda that Taiji dolphin meats are disguised as whale meats in Japan.

Cove Guardians lie again and again on their Facebook. It’s one evident case. It can be a crime: damage to credit and obstruction of business.

(the captured image of the page)

Packaged Taiji Dolphin “Whale” Meat For Sale – March 10, 2014 of Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official) on Facebook [The source image FTP / HTTP]
I put numbers on the images: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7, and Image 8. And I capture the quoted page and its photo pages(Image 1 – Image 8) on my site.(FTP / HTTP)

The caption of that page is this:

Taiji dolphin meat continues to be sold and sometimes labeled as whale meat in local supermarkets and tourist shops. We can confirm that shipments of whale meat have been delivered to one processing facility from Norway during the months of Nov-Jan. whether this meat is labeled coming from Taiji or if this “Taiji Whale Meat” is actually dolphin is unknown.

But it’s a lie.

Cove Guardians must know that Taiji dolphin fishery legally fish also some kinds of small “whales” out of International Whaling Commission’s administration. We can see Chapter 45 of the Fisheries Research Agency‘s report in 2013. Its Sheet 1 shows Wakayama Prefecture’s catch quota and its fishery’s catch numbers from 2002-2012. Ma-gondou(マゴンドウ, “マゴンドウ鯨” = ma-gondou kujira in Image 2) is a subspecies of short-finned pilot whales and their catch number in 2012 is 36(quota) + 184 = 220. And oki-gondou(オキゴンドウ, oki-gondou kujira) are false killer whales and their catch number in 2012 is 20(quota) + 70 = 90.

So the part:

We can confirm that shipments of whale meat have been delivered to one processing facility from Norway during the months of Nov-Jan. whether this meat is labeled coming from Taiji or if this “Taiji Whale Meat” is actually dolphin is unknown.

is nonsense as refutation in that sense. The Specified Commercial Transactions presentation of 太地漁協スーパー(Taji Fishery Cooperative Supermarket) says that they fish gondou kujira(ゴンドウクジラ) and that the meats of minke whales and of sei whales are from our research whaling.


●ご存じのように、1982年IWCが商業捕鯨モラトリアム(一時停止)を採択し、1988年3月をもって日本が商業捕鯨を一旦中断しされています が、日本政府が南氷洋などで行う、資源調査のための調査捕鯨で捕獲されたミンククジラやイワシクジラのお肉を販売させていただいているわけです。

また、太地では永年にわたって伝えられてきた、食をはじめとする文化の保護などのため、沿岸でIWCの管轄外のゴンドウクジラを政府が資源調査に基 づいて決めた漁期と捕獲枠のなかで捕っています。太地漁協スーパーでは、このようにして太地漁港に水揚げされたくじらの販売と通信販売も併せて行っている わけです。


● About the meats of minke whale and of sei whales, where are they gotten?

● As you know, for IWC carried the moratorium of commercial whaling in 1982, Japan has temporarily stopped commercial whaling from March, 1988. But we supply the meals of minke whales and of sei whales from Japanese government’s research whaling for their resource survey in Antarctic Ocean and so on.

And in Taiji, for the protection of our long time culture including food and so on, , on the coast, we catch gondou kujira being out of IWC’s regulation, in the seasons and in the quotas that our government decides with the resource survey. Thus we, Taiji Fishery Cooperative Supermarket sell whales landed at Taiji Fishing port both by store and by mail.

How can Norwegean whaling be related to that issue? And Risso’s dolphins(ハナゴンドウ, hana gondou, hana gondou kujira, 花ゴンドウ in Image 1 and in Image 3) are a kind of gondou kujira that the supermarket refers, too. (the FRA’s report above says Taiji’s catch number in 2012 is 275 + 230 = 505.)

First of all, dolphins and porpoises are small tooth whales. So dolphin meals are whale meals. No problem that some species that we call dolphins or porpoises are called kujira(whales). It’s very basic knowledge of cetology that we can learn in the books for kids. So image 4,5,6, and 8 aren’t disguised. Notice that those pictures show rather only brands and not the nutritional facts labels. Do their labels say that those meats are of whales that Taiji fishery doesn’t hunt? If the Cove Guardians didn’t lie, why they show the label of マゴンドウ鯨(short-finned pilot whales) in Image 2 as disguised? Or do they say that they didn’t know such a basic knowledge of cetology or even what Taiji’s whaling industry hunt? So it’s a propaganda.

* They took those pictures of the supermarket without permissions. Taking pictures without permissions itself is trespass. It’s very common that our shops and so on require permissions to take pictures. But anti-whaling people don’t try to know.

I found a good usage of my home Annonymous FTP site for the opnions communities.

Although I don’t know how longer I will continue, I put the captured pictures of our Prime Minister’s Office’s English Facebook page on my anonymous FTP site(HTTP). I captured it with Pearl Crescent Page Saver of Firefox and so on.(FTP/HTTP. You can find some of them also on Maren Roush vs Emmanuel Chanel.)
I wondered what usage there is except illegal releases. But I got this answer that I upload the evident images too big to put as the web pictures.

Maren Roush vs Emmanuel Chanel

Too many Sea Shepherd and their supporters post anti-whaling words to the official English Facebook page of Prime Minister’s Office of Japan.

Maren Roush(LinkedIn/zoom info) is one of them. She says “I have a masters degree in environmental science and have worked in public health for 20 years. I just don’t understand how a nationalist mindset would lead people to pick and choose what to believe, ignoring hard science – especially when it puts their families at risk.” on Please read our “Moderation Policy”… – Prime Minister’s Office of Japan. So I crossexamined her. And she says think she will stay away, after my crossexamination. 😀 I feel that I have more to refute her, though.

* I capture all the comments of the PMO post with Pearl Crescent Page Saver on Firefox and I put their images to ftp.emmanuelc.dix.asia/facebook/Japan.PMO/ . On this entry, the most of the text is the copies of Japan.PMO_posts_771156529579336_1392906848.txt (FTP/HTTP) that I pasted the comments around 20 February also to an Open Document Text file(FTP/HTTP) and to an HTML file(FTP/HTTP).
Continue reading Maren Roush vs Emmanuel Chanel

I accuse Spellweav on #israel , EFnet of too bad anti-Japanese behavior

EFnet is an Internet Relay Chat network. And I’ve visited #israel for a long time.
Spellweav: You want just to justify your anti-Japanese racism. You don’t try to know anything. So you don’t debate but you call me monkey, dogs, and so on.
I refuted you about some of our crimes including the Nanjing Massacre and Comfort Women repeatedly. But you don’t learn anything from it. If you are smart enough, you would’ve observed what we, Japanese deniers cause and analyse it. But you cannot but label me a revisionist. Rather your behavior is revisionistic. In addition, you, only one made my impression about Israel very bad although many of Israeli wouldn’t be interested in Japan.
I pasted the log of yesterday, 21 May. 2012. Hepcat isn’t Spellweav.(Added for An Cat Dubh’s comment: Hepcat is a Russian, as far as I’ve chatted.) But he/she joined our argument. And he/she label Japan a revisionistic country. If you want to say so, prove it, Hepcat!
To debate Japan in the WW II, the important fact is that some authorized historians or experts of the related fields don’t necessarily agree that Japan did planed genocides like the holocaust or that Japan in WW II was a fascist country. The Nanjing Massacre isn’t a planed genocide at least. So even Tokyo Tribunal couldn’t sentence guilty for that. About fascism of Japan, Prof. Christopher Thorne estimated that it’s rather nationalist China to be a fascist in Asia.(“Issue of War”) Comfort Women? The first class sources point out that it’s false. If you want to refute, read the American first class sources! Spellweav says that he read all sources. But he wouldn’t have read those first class English sources. So I estimate him revisionistic. (About mass killing in WW II, see also 20th Century Democide)
And such people don’t try to know Japanese history textbooks. If I took them for absolutely right, I wouldn’t refute any Japanese war crimes anywhere. Japanese governments’ inspection system permits them to show those crimes, e.g. Breast-Cutting Cruel Mural. That picture was on a textbook for elementary students. (Now that picture isn’t shown since the way of introducing the picture is one of anti-Japanese fabrication.) Many conservative Japanese people feel that some important crimes are false accusations. Spellweav and Hepcat look to believe that I’m a typical Japanese. But if I were typical, I wouldn’t have refuted. I’ve showed that page to Spellweav before but he hasn’t apologized that he was wrong about Japanese historical views. Probably, his rasictic mentality keeps him from doing that.
Anti-Japanese views aren’t forbidden on #israel . And I know that many would take my historical view for revisionistic. If they are debatable, I won’t be angry. But undebatable people like Spellweav are unforgiven. I don’t know if he is Jewish. Whetherever yes or no, I don’t care. If historical revisionists got happy, it doesn’t change my feeling. I should think my interests and Japan’s interests prior to others including Jewish.
One says that it’s ok for me to expose the log of my argument. But IRC customs forbid us to do that. I have done before when I needed, though.
Continue reading I accuse Spellweav on #israel , EFnet of too bad anti-Japanese behavior

I changed the URI of “The Archive of Rather Shinkansen than TGV & Taiwan Shinkansen”

I decided that after thinking for a long time. And I’ve done.
From: https://emmanuelchanel.com/~emmanuel/
To: https://ktxlog.emmanuelc.dix.asia/
It’s not changed that the website is on my home server. But I feel it better that I could put it out of the virtual host having this WordPress blog site. I will keep my links page inside, though.

You are very ignorant of the Comfort Woman problem, capone70.

Mr. Tony Marano aka Texas Daddy posted a video about our post-war compensation around Korean Comfort Women on PropagandaBuster channel of YouTube.
He has told people to move to another video if they want to discuss if the forcible prostitution of Comfort Women is true. So when I found capone70’s comments of that point and that he accuses Japan of Comfort Woman by some cases, I hesitated to refute on it even with writing text for doing his/her comments on it and the point of forcible prostitution.
I feel him very ignorant of the points of our refutation. And we need to refute him on PB’s video. So I post this entry instead of posing a comment on his video.
Continue reading You are very ignorant of the Comfort Woman problem, capone70.