My Twitter Account is locked now.

The leftists’ oppression of speech on BigTech appears very problematic. And I feel oppressed on Facebook Now my tweets are reported and my account is locked.

I think that is by a certain Japanese anti-whaling leftistic activist. But for my refutation on leftistic tree on Twitter, it’s possible also by others.

Additon at 11:03 20 Feb. 2021

The lock is finished by deleting the reported 3 tweets. I don’t really take them for wrong. But I feel it little possible that Twitter listens to my objections.

All the results of are deleted from Bing Search, too.

After I registered , my newly gotten domain name to Bing, all the results of are deleted from Bing Search, too. Although my motivity of getting my own domain name is not only for this problem, I really feel bad. I want Bing to show its reason.

Found that Bing deleted all pages under from the search results.

All pages under , my home server site are deleted from the search results of Bing and by its results, we cannot find my websites by DuckDuckGo using Bing’s search index.
Seeing this, I unpublished some entries.
Title: Bingで「一部の検索結果が削除されました」の対処方法は記事の削除です
Translation: “Some results have been removed” at Bing: Its Coping Method is Deletion of the Article.
I found that by searching my entry to expose a dolphin freak whom I refute. And at first, I thought that the search result deletion was a censorship against it. But it’s not certain how it is actually.

Addition at 15.47

Found that the search results of all are removed, too. So now it’s possible that another person’s problem influences, too.

I made a Japanese website based on toripan1111’s blog about whaling

toripan1111 is a big Japanese web activist for whaling and one of my mentors of this issue. He has a blog on Yahoo! Japan Blog service. And the service is going to end on 15 Dec. 2019. So the blog will be extinct. So I ripped the blog. And with the blog author’s permission, I made this Japanese website:
You can search its pages by keywords on Search about the Issue of Whaling at Yahoo! Japan Message Board Archive since the website’s contents are strongly linked to its topics about whaling.

Japan withdraws from International Whaling Commission

I found this news on Twitter. I saw someone shares Japan to withdraw from IWC to resume commercial whaling: sources as a post of Stop Sea Shepherd Violence! group on Facebook and I shared the same link on 20 Dec. 2018.

IWC is settled for sustainable whaling. It’s the aim of International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling.

Having decided to conclude a convention to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry;

(Quote of International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling)

But they violate our rights of whaling itself against the contract. Anti-whaling countries including Australia and activists including Green Peace insult our scientific whaling for not scientific in spite of the fact that we show various scientific papers to IWC’s Scientific Committee. Anti-whaling foreigners don’t try to know the aim of IWC but they lie about the laws including the convention, about scientific facts including the estimates of whale populations. We cannot help that situation. So we, Japan need to withdraw from it.

I tried installing Dokuwiki.

Although my internet sites itself don’t have many viewers, I tried settling 反日問題・反捕鯨問題・その他, a Japanese wiki site with Dokuwiki for talking about anti-Japanese hate speech, about anti-whaling propaganda, and about the other issues discussed on Le Salon de Emmanuel Chanel, my forum.

You can edit the wiki contents by registering an account on the forum.

I registered Let’s Encrypt.

For a long time, I wished that I could have used the SSL certificates. But I didn’t know, issuing free SSL/TLS certificates. till someone taught me on a certain chat. I thought of waiting for the release of the ACME v2 on 27 Feb. 2018 since it has the wildcard certificates function. But I registered it on 04 Jan. 2018 after all. The release of ACME v2 was delayed.
So as you could see, except some, my websites had already got encrypted by SSL. And today, I installed the wildcard certificate since ACME v2 has been released.

I ate whale meat in a restaurant. And I took some pictures.

On the Japanese web community about whaling, one recommends people to eat the whale dishes cooked by the specialists since we can learn what the whale dishes really are. And I felt that I needed to learn. So I ate the whale meat dishes in a restaurant some months ago.
I’m no good at cooking. So I couldn’t learn the skill anyway. I didn’t ask the cooks to teach it first of all, though. All I can say about the whale dishes is that they are really delicious. I wish that the whale meats were much cheaper.
These pictures really show how delicious those dishes are.

Whale Bacon
Whale Bacon


Tatsuta-Age, Sashimi, and Bacon
Tatsuta-Age, Sashimi, and Bacon


Whale Sashimi
Whale Sashimi

